What is Classified Plant?
One of the most important things to know, is that the term “Classified Plant” has been officially replaced with “Registerable Plant”.
This change came off the back of long anticipated industry regulation changes. On 31 March 2022, WA’s new Work Health and Safety Act 2020 and the Work Health and Safety (Mines) Regulations 2022 officially replaced the previously applicable Mines Safety & Inspection Act 1994 and the associated Mines Safety & Inspections Regulations 1995.
➜ Learn more about the new WHS Regulation Updates
Due to the recent changes, we are no longer referring to “Classified Plant” in this article, but instead use the new official term “Registerable Plant”.
Despite working with and around Registerable Plant every day, it can sometimes remain unclear exactly what Registerable Plant is, what Australian Standards and Regulations apply, and why certain types of plant must be registered.
As a part of our mission to provide professional clear and detailed information through quality reporting and training, AME are committed to ensuring our clients and partners are made aware of their Registerable Plant, and of their statutory obligations pertaining to it’s registration, inspection and management.
Registerable Plant is defined as any boiler, crane, hoist, lift or pressure vessel.
This includes fixed and itinerant plant like elevating work platforms (EWP), pressure vessels, bridge and gantry cranes, mobile cranes, lifts and hoists, vehicle hoists, monorails, man cages and boilers.
Of the above list, the Work Health and Safety (Mines) Regulations state that you must register with the Department of Mining and Petroleum Resources Safety all Registrable Plant, which are:
- Pressure equipment with a Hazard Level A, B, C and D
- Gas cylinders to AS 2030 (Gas Cylinder Code)
- Cranes – powered tower; gantry cranes greater than 5T; bridge cranes greater than 10T; all cranes used for handling molten metal or Dangerous Goods; Mobile Cranes greater than 10T
- Lifts including building maintenance units
- Powered vehicle hoists
- Elevating Work Platforms – Powered hoists for people, elevating booms, powered mast climbing work platforms
- Work boxes suspended from cranes
- Prefabricated scaffold
So why register “Classified” Registerable Plant?
Two reasons stand out for the registration, inspection and management of Registerable Plant:
- It is required by law (under the Work Health and Safety (Mines) Regulations 2022) that all items of registerable plant at mine sites are to be registered before use, but more importantly;
- Registerable Plant is considered high-risk plant and equipment that has been found to be extremely hazardous, particularly if it’s design, construction, testing, operation or maintenance has been compromised.
Registering Plant ensures that the plant conforms to applicable regulations and Australian Standards, and due to the hazardous nature and potential to cause harm it should also be regularly inspected.
If Registerable Plant is not registered or inspected according to applicable regulations and statutory law, this can lead to individual employee fines of up to $6,250 and company fines of up to $62,500 per offence.
More importantly, leaving plant unchecked could lead to the harm and destruction of equipment or to the injury and even death of personnel.
With a team of highly qualified and experienced personnel, AME has an intimate knowledge of the applicable Mining, Occupational Health and Safety Regulations and Australian Standards in regards to Registerable Plant.
AME provide a full service from asset maintenance strategy, to registration and management, inspection of Registerable Plant, setting up Registerable Plant Equipment Files and the provision of Statutory and Itinerant Record Books as well as Statutory and Duty of Care Registerable Plant Inspections. We also perform major investigations in form of detailed root cause analysis for mining accidents.
For more information on our Plant Inspection Services, contact an AME Plant Inspector or Asset Management Consultant directly to discuss your situation.
Call (08) 9466 7444 or email info@asseteng.com.au
Registerable Plant Inspection Resources
➜ Non-Destructive Testing Guide
➜ Magnetic Particle Testing (MPT) Guide
➜ Ultrasonic Testing (UT) Guide
Registerable Plant Registration & Inspection Requirements
➜ Download guide on Registerable Plant Registration & Inspection Requirements