What does "Registerable Plant" mean?
Under WA’s new Work Health and Safety Act 2020 and the Work Health and Safety (Mines) Regulations 2022, which came into effect on 31 March 2022, the term “Classified Plant” has been replaced with “Registerable Plant”. The new WHS Act and accompanying regulations combine WHS for general industry, mines and petroleum and geothermal operations under a single Act, replacing the previously applicable Mines Safety & Inspection Act 1994 and the associated Mines Safety & Inspections Regulations 1995.
Registerable Plant is defined as any boiler, crane, hoist, lift or pressure vessel. This includes fixed and itinerant plant-like elevating work platforms (EWP), pressure vessels, bridge and gantry cranes, mobile cranes, lifts and hoists, vehicle hoists, monorails, mancages, and boilers.
Work Health and Safety (Mines) Regulations state that you must register with the Department of Mining and Petroleum Resources Safety all Registerable Plant.
Who Is Our Registerable Plant Training For?
If you are a person with management and control of plant, it is imperative to understand your registration and inspection requirements. The aim of our industry leading training course is to give you a fundamental understanding of registered plant and associated registration and inspection obligations to remain compliant.
Registerable Plant Awareness Training Content
The Registerable Plant Awareness Training is our most popular training, covering the regulations and statutory expectations pertaining to a large range of Plant and Equipment. Registerable Plant Training sessions include training manual, morning and afternoon tea and lunch on both days.
- WA WHS legislation, implementation, and structure.
- Transitional savings provisions and exemptions.
- Part 3.1 and Part 10.2 Managing the risks to health and safety at a mine.
- Chapter 5 Duties and Registration of plant.
- Schedule 5 Types of plant requiring registration.
- Types of inspections and inspection compliance.
- Online plant management systems. (MSMS)
- Schedule 26 Statutory function and requirements.
- Data plate interpretation to Australian Standards, ASME and PED.
- Additional duties for plant and regulatory trends.
- Perform practical inspections of registered plant.
- Itinerant plant inspections.
Course Information
Courses are conducted in Perth, Kalgoorlie, Bunbury, Port Hedland or onsite.
• Two days (8am to 4pm)
• Morning tea and lunch provided. (except onsite)
• Digital facilitation with the provision of a laptop and USB.
• You can bring your own laptop if you wish.
• $1470 per person.
Who Delivers the AME’s Registerable Plant Awareness Course?
- Courses are conducted in Perth, Kalgoorlie, Bunbury, Port Hedland or onsite.
- Two days (8am to 4pm).
- Morning tea and lunch provided. (except onsite).
- Digital facilitation with the provision of a laptop and USB.
- You can bring your own laptop if you wish.
- $1470 per person.
Our training courses are delivered by people with extensive knowledge of the new Work Health and Safety (Mines) Regulations as well as in-depth experience in the mining and resources industries in Australia.
Your lecturers have years of experience in maintenance management, project engineering and planning gained in underground and open-cut mining. We are also considered industry experts in the processing, manufacturing and chemical industries.
Some of our lecturers have been responsible for training Department of Mining and Petroleum Inspectors in Registerable Plant as well as thousands of personnel holding various positions and roles across site management and safety.