Are You Ready for the New WHS Laws?
As most of you are aware, the new Australian Work Health and Safety regulations have been invoked and are now in effect. As a result, there are several important updates we would like to highlight to our readers, which are outlined in this blog.
To assist you in remaining compliant with the new laws and regulations, we’ve created a detailed guide outlining the most important changes alongside a direct comparison to the old laws and regs.
➜ Download our complete WHS Updates Guide
Work Health and Safety Regulations 2022 Updates
Prior to the 2022 WHS updates, we were all used to operating under the Mines Safety & Inspection Act 1994 and the associated Mines Safety & Inspections Reg 1995.
As of 31 March 2022, we now operate under the Work Health and Safety Act 2020 and the Work Health and Safety (Mines) Regulations 2022.
Other essential WHS updates include:
- Reference to Classified Plant is no longer, we now must adjust our thinking and use “Registerable Plant” instead.
- Itinerant Classified Plant is the same, and although the term has changed you still need to be mindful that you are capturing all the “registerable plant” coming and going from site and ensuring that it is safe to use. In fact, all plant needs to be inspected whether registerable or not.
- r213 – States: – The person with management or control of plant at a workplace must ensure that the maintenance, inspection and, if necessary, testing of the plant is carried out by a competent person.
Learn More About the Work Health and Safety Updates
To assist you in maintaining the safety and compliance of your workforce and site in-line with the Work Health and Safety Act 2020 and the Work Health and Safety (Mines) Regulations 2022, here are some useful links that offer further information.
Video Explanations of the New WHS Laws:
- DMIRS WA – WHS Laws Information (General)
- DMIRS WA – WHS Laws Information (Mines)
- DMIRS WA – WHS laws Information (Plant and high-risk work licence holders)
- DMIRS WA – WHS Laws Information (Demolition and asbestos licences)
- Work Health and Safety laws – WHS General Regulations Chapters 1-5: An overview of the WHS regulations which cover definitions, exposure standards for dust, hazardous work including demolition work and plant and structures.
- Work Health and Safety laws- WHS General Regulations Chapters 6-11: An overview of the WHS regulations which cover construction, hazardous chemicals, and asbestos.
- Work Health and Safety laws – WHS Mines Regulations and Mine Safety Management System: Anil Atri, Senior Inspector of Mines Safety Directorate outlines the WHS Mines Regulations and the new requirement for a mine operator to prepare, implement and maintain a Mines Safety Management System.
- Work Health and Safety laws – The new PAGEO regulations: What will they mean for operators: This video provides insight in the new PAGEO regulations and what they will mean to operators.
PDF Downloads of the WHS Regulations 2022:
- Overview of Western Australia’s Work Health and Safety (General) Regulations 2022
- Overview of Western Australia’s Work Health and Safety Act 2020
WHS Compliance and Policies:
- WHS: Compliance and enforcement approach: A video that discusses the compliance and enforcement approach under the WHS laws.
- WorkSafe compliance and enforcement policy – This policy provides a balanced and nationally consistent framework to meet the main objective of the WHS Act.
- WorkSafe prosecution policy – This policy provides a framework for how decisions about prosecutions are to be made.
- Work Health and Safety Undertakings Policy – A policy setting out the regulator’s processes and criteria for considering a proposal to enter into a WHS undertaking from a person who has committed or allegedly committed an offence against the WHS Act.
- Work Health and Safety Act 2020 Duties: Highlights the proposed duty holders and their corresponding duties under the WHS laws.
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Need Help Preparing for the WHS Laws?
If you need assistance preparing for the implementation of the new WHS laws, the AME team is more than happy to answer your questions. Call us on (08) 9466 7444 or email with your query.