DMIRS – Implementation of WHS Legislation – Key Changes

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On 31 March 2022 the WHS laws were introduced – replacing the old Mines Safety & Inspection Act 1994 and the associated Mines Safety & Inspections Reg 1995. The department has released a helpful information sheet Implementation of Work Health and Safety legislation – Mines Safety plant and design which provides guidance on the transitional provisions and periods for items of plant on mine sites, to allow for a safe transition to the WHS Act and Regulations.

Implementation of Work Health and Safety legislation – Mines Safety plant and design

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New AME Course – Introductory Awareness to the WHS Act and WHS Mines Regulations

As an alternative or in addition to studying DMIR’s information sheet, you can now attend our brand new 1/2 day course Introductory Awareness to the WHS Act and WHS Mines Regulations, equipping you with all the latest updates to remain compliant. Based on feedback, we found that a lot of people find it difficult to wrap their head around those new changes. In our course, we’ll explain all the details and we answer any questions you might have.

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